Wildlife Management

Tips for Managing Wildlife ProblemsDeterring wildlife from visiting your property is the most effective way to discourage nuisance wildlife problems.  Taking the time to make changes will greatly reduce your chances of unwanted guests.

  • Keep garbage cans inside garage/shed to reduce temptation for animals.  If garbage cannot be kept inside, make sure the lids are secure at all times.
  • Do not feed wildlife or leave food (pet food) outside where it is accessible.
  • Keep bird feeders to a minimum and clean fallen seed often.
  • Gardens and water features are a large attraction for wildlife.  Enclosing these areas with fencing, using motion activated lights and sprinklers and placing scent deterrents will help discourage wildlife.
  • Trim tree branches that hang over roofs to prevent the animal from having access to the roof.  Cap chimneys and use hardware cloth to cover openings to soffits, vents and fans.
  • Trim overgrown or dense bushes around decks and stoops.  This provides cover for the animal to dig under these structures.
  • Use hardware cloth for raised decks and sheds to prevent animals from going under them.
  • Implement grub control into your yearly lawn treatment.  Grub control should be applied the last week in June through the first week in July.  Heavy watering of your lawn encourages grub growth.
  • Use sound and light to harass the animal if it has made a home in your attic or under the stoop, desk or shed.  Place a radio next to the hole and keep it on 24/7.  Push a set of blinking Christmas lights into the hole and leave them on 24/7.  This will reduce the animal's ability to rest and most of the time they move on.
The internet provides a vast amount of information on ways to deter wildlife from entering your property and ways to harass them once they have arrived.  There are also great illustrations on ways to fix damage that has occurred.

The City of Elmhurst Wildlife Management Brochure(PDF)

Watch WTTW's (Channel 11) video Is That Skunk?

Check out these other websites:

Wildlife/Domestic Animal Concerns

Report a Coyote Sighting & Reporting
Calling for ServiceThe Elmhurst Police Department will respond to calls for sick or injured wildlife and domestic animal complaints. The Police Department also responds to animals that have entered the dwelling of the resident/business. Please note, DuPage County Animal Control requires all bats found in living quarters to be tested for rabies. The Police Department will respond to remove the bat from the scene and send it for testing at no cost to the resident/business.

Elmhurst Police police will not respond for nuisance wildlife complaints for animals that are behaving normally in their natural habitat. Residents can choose any state-licensed animal trapper to assist them with nuisance wildlife issues on their property.

The City of Elmhurst has accepted Animal Trackers Wildlife Company as the preferred vendor for wildlife trapping services. Animal Trackers Wildlife Company has agreed to provide wildlife services to Elmhurst residents at a predetermined price for trapping wildlife. Animal Trackers Wildlife Company can help with skunks, raccoons, squirrels, birds and other wildlife problems. Every nuisance wildlife issue is unique and services may differ from one complaint to the next. Please contact Animal Trackers Wildlife Company for fees and services

Call (630) 916-1507 or (847) 884-1057 to contact Animal Trackers Wildlife Company.

Visit their website:  Animal Trackers Wildlife Company
Dog & Cat RegulationsCity and State laws require all dogs and cats over the age of six month to have a valid rabies inoculation. A collar and rabies tag must be displayed on the animal at all times. City tags are available for purchase at City Hall. City tags expire yearly on April 30th. Dogs and cats are required to be restrained at all times, even while on the property. Should your animal become lost, please contact the Police Department and advise the front desk officer. The information will be filed so your animal can be returned once it is found. All stray animals that are not able to be returned to an owner are impounded at the DuPage Animal Hospital, 377 E. North Ave., Villa Park. The animal will remain there for up to three days before being transferred to the DuPage County Animal Control.
